Blue Mountains Catholics take Action
Report from Hear the Cry Workshop
(Presenter: Rob Feeney and Penola Students)
Two students from Penola College, supported by their teacher Rob Feeney, led a
very engaging and interactive workshop that encouraged group members to examine
their responses to climate change as individuals and as members of groups ranging
from local to worldwide. All of this was done within the context of Pope Francis’
Encyclical Laudate Si.
Group discussions identified specific actions that need to be taken at the individual,
local and national/international level.
Individual Level.
• need to be vigilant about recycling, repairing, repurposing, composting, water
saving, packaging and renewable energy.
Local Level.
• need to lobby for the establishment of services and infrastructure that
support the above initiatives.
National/International Levels.
• need to be persistent and insistent about the urgent need to address climate
change and decarbonise the atmosphere by replacing carbon emitting
sources of energy with the various clean sources currently available.
Participants were encouraged to reflect upon the message of Laudate Si, which
highlights that these changes require an acceptance that we do not have “dominion”
over the environment. We are as dependent and as interconnected as all other living
Greg Rowe.
Participant of the "Hear the Cry" Workshop.