Sacramental Preparation
Following is an outline of the Sacramental Preparation for 2025.
It will give you some idea of the events and their timing for each year.​ More details will follow
Sacramental preparation of families in our parish for 2025
The Sacramental Program
Over the last few years St Mary of the Cross Upper Blue Mountains Parish and Our Lady of Nativity Parish have been working together for at least some of the Sacramental preparation programs and litur- gies. This year we have completely joined together to prepare for and celebrate the Sacraments of First Reconciliation (Confession), First Communion, Confirmation and for the Baptism of Children of Catechetical age (children over 7 years). Both parishes are sharing the parent input session evenings provided in both parishes. We are all using the Lawson parish family group session plans and our litur- gies will be planned together. Our actual preparation sessions will be duplicated locally within each par- ish. So, this will give some options for busy families as they can participate at either parish venue if needs be.
Though Reconciliation and Confirmation will be held for us all in St Canice's Catholic Church, First Communion will be celebrated by each Catholic Parish in their local Church.
We hope this new venture will help to not only reduce the duplication of the planning and administra- tion but will help us all to share our gift of the Holy Spirit and so gain even more from being part of the wider "Body of Christ"
Maureen Ryan for the Lawson and Upper Mountains Sacramental Team.