All the News.
The next weekday Masses are
Tuesday 14th January 5:00 PM then
Wednesday 15th January 9:00 AM
& Thursday 16th January 9:30 AM
BENEDICTION: First Fridays 7:00 PM.​​​​​
Coming Events​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Future parish morning teas
are being planned for the 1st Sunday of the month, after the Sunday Mass, in the Santa Maria hall as from 2nd February (9.30 to 11am).
Ideally, TWO volunteers are required each month to take care of these parish get togeth- ers. Volunteers would need to take care of the setting up in the hall of some tables, chairs, cups, tea/coffee etc. (supplied) all could be completed within half an hour prior to Mass commencing. Assistance would be given initially. As in the past, parishioners are happy to help with the clean up so that the hall is left in the same condition that it is found. At first, parishioners will be asked if they could bring a small plate to be shared. Biscuits would also be available. If anyone has any special dietary requirements, it is recommended that they bring their own food. -
If you are interested in participating in this parish ministry until June, please contact Paula Currie on 0416 185 651 (after 7pm preferred).
Office open again on 16th January.
As usual, Thursdays & Fridays 10.00 am - 3.30 pm.
Liturgical Ministry Course returns in 2025 .
The Liturgical Ministry Formation Courses will recommence in 2025 in Blacktown and Penrith. This free formation is open to anyone in the diocese interested in serving within the Liturgical Ministries either as Readers, Extraordinary Ministers of Communion, Communion to the Sick and Dying and Ministers at the Altar. To enrol and for more information, please contact the Office for Worship on 0460 037 795 or lucy.woodbury@parracatholic.org . Registrations close 28th January 2025 but a paces are limited so enrol now to avoid disappointment.
We are desperately looking for readers, commentators and ministers of the altar.
At Our Lady of the Nativity, we are sorely in need new Ministers at the Altar as we are down to three serving members. Ideally, we would like 6-8 people.
Mass times, as we know are Saturday 5:00 PM & Sunday 8:30 AM and will take around an hour. Complete training is available in our parish.
If you are interested, please call Richard on 0418 214 548 to discuss the role.
Sacramental preparation of families in our parish
​NB. This information is also available via the link Sacramental Preparation.
The Sacrament of First Reconciliation for 2025
Baptised children who are in YEAR 3 OR ABOVE in 2025 will be invited to join the First Reconciliation (First Confession) preparation program to be held in term 4 in 2025.
Gaza Crisis Appeal Caritas Australia
Help provide urgent humanitarian assistance to the people affected by the conflict.
Donate via www.caritas.org.au/gaza
Sponsoring Refugees Who Have Been Accepted For Immigration
Dear Parishioners.....the Blue Mountains Deanery Pastoral Council has been given the challenge to recruit anyone that feels called to serve on a team of 5 or more sponsoring a refugee family. This is a 12 month commitment with many challenging responsibilities which would assist the family to settle in Australia. Is this invitation something that sounds in harmony with the time and space you find yourself in?
Please consider. Then please give me an initial call (0405 916 326) with all the questions you may have to see if it sounds like something for you right now. Training is given to the team to take on this unique challenge.
Many thanks, Len Blahut
Safeguarding training for Parishes still online
If you are a volunteer at OLN, You are now required to register for the Mandatory 6 points of Safeguarding Training.
If you would like to complete your 6 points online, ‘sign up’ NOW at: https://learning.safeguarding.org.au
Catalyst for Renewal Programme for 2024 is here The last for 2024 was 19th October.
From the Bulletin.
Articles you may want to read recently published in the Bulletin.​​​​​​​
Masks are strongly recommended To quote the Diocese, "It's everyone's responsibility. Don't forget to wear your mask to Mass."
Office Repair is continuing.
Once we have the approved plans will be shared with the parish for comment.
Supporting your Parish
Thank you for your contributions to both the first and second collections, credit card using the Tap and Go machine or by EFT to the Parish bank account. The First Collection is used by the Diocese to pay all Diocesan Clergy so that they are all supported equally.The Second Collection is used to pay the costs of running our Parish. This collection now is 80% of the amount that was being collected before Covid 19 lockdowns. This means at that level (80%) the Parish is operating at a deficit. If that situation continues, we will not be able to continue long as a Parish.It is appreciated that some Parishioners are on fixed incomes (pensioners, young families, etc.) are giving all they can . However, we ask those that can afford to, increase their support of the Parish.The Parish needs to increase its weekly collections by about $400, which when split over the parishioners that can afford it is between $5 to $10 extra a week.Please consider increasing your contributions to support the Parish so we can remove the deficit.
Donations can be made to Our Lady of Nativity Parish Lawson via direct deposit to the bank account below.
Account name: Lawson Our Lady of the Nativity BSB: 067-950 Account Number: 00000164
Lawson Vinnies are looking for more volunteers
Lawson Vinnies is very active in our Community, and we are looking for more volun- teers to assist the needy in the Mid Mountains.
If you are considering a transition to retirement in the coming year or two or just have a bit of spare time once a month or so, could you please contact Paul Gannon on 0409592055 to discuss (I’ll shout the coffee). Thanks, in anticipation on behalf of the Lawson Vinnies Team.
President and Justice of the Peace
St Vincent de Paul Society - Lawson Conference
M: 0409 592 055 LOLN.Conference@Vinnies.org.au
Bishop’s Good Samaritan Appeal for Catholic Care’s Project Elizabeth
Will you strengthen the dignity of struggling mums?
Your compassionate generosity and prayers will provide struggling mums with the practical and emotional support they need to overcome adversity and build a bet- ter future for themselves and their families. Please give generously to the Bishop’s Good Samaritan Appeal at parracatholic.org/appeal . Thank you.
NEW Diocesan website launched
The new parracatholic.org website is now here with exciting new features and functionality including a comprehensive ‘Find a Mass’ function which includes Daily and Weekend Masses, Reconciliation and Adoration times; a centralised event calendar; Daily Mass readings and different ways you can contribute to the Church in Western Sydney and the Blue Mountains. Check it out today!
Free English and Citizenship Classes.
Catholic Care Western Sydney and the Blue Mountains are offering English and Citizenship classes at Mamre House, 181 Mamre Rd, Orchard Hills, on a Tuesday and Wednesday from 10am to 2pm during school terms. Free childcare is available. If you are interested in enrolling, please contact Mamre Crèche on (02) 8843 2506 or Nepean Community College (02) 4724 9000.
Bishop’s Good Samaritan Appeal for Aboriginal Catholic Care at Emerton.
Will you be the face of Christ for our First Nations people in need? Your compassionate generosity and prayers will support a welcoming place where Aboriginal people can express their identity, share their culture and knowledge within our community, access practical support and development opportunities, and make so- cial connections. Please give generously to the Bishop’s Good Samaritan Appeal at yourcatholicfoundation.org.au/appeal
Soul Food Podcast – Pastoral Formation.
Do you find life & faith inspiration by listening to the experiences of others?
Pastoral Formation’s Soul Food Podcast features life & faith stories of people from our diocesan family. Listen now, FREE via our website https://pfparra.org.au/soulfood/
Taize Prayer and Song.
You are warmly invited to Taize Prayer & Song at Leura Uniting Church, Grose Street, Leura.
All are welcome at Taize Prayer & Song for prayer, singing and meditation.
Taize Prayer & Song is held on the third Sunday of every month at 5pm.
Refugee and Migrant Support.
One support is through the "Work and Welcome" program, which is a project of St Francis Social Services and the House of Welcome.
Work & Welcome assists people seeking asylum and refugees to be job ready by providing empowering work experience and employment opportunities in supportive host organisations. By creating structured, short term, paid job placements,
It also works through the generosity of the staff, themselves, who pledge a regular amount from their own pay towards sponsoring "Work and Welcome" in their own workplaces.
Bishop’s Good Samaritan Appeal raising funds for Catholic Care’s Community Drop-In Centres’
Catholic Care is working hard to reach our neighbours in need and to reduce social isolation and loneliness throughout our community. Will you be a Good Samaritan and help Catholic Care reach our
vulnerable neighbours, so they have safe, welcoming places to connect with others and access support? Please give generously to the Bishop’s Good Samaritan Appeal at yourcatholicfoundation.org.au/appeal. Thank you for your heartfelt prayers and support
Tonga in Afghanistan and Lebanon and Caritas Australia responds to humanitarian crises
Visit www.caritas.org.au/donate/emergency-appeals/ or call 1800 024 413 toll free to make your donation.
Are You Interested in Learning about the Catholic Way of Life?
If you are interested, you are welcome to join a group of diverse interests and ages who meet each week for an hour to discuss some aspect of Catholic life on Fridays at 4pm.
Please call Len Blahut on 0405 916 326 to enquire and find out more about what’s happening​
Parramatta Diocesan Synod
Pastoral Plan from Synod
Through a combination of prayer, analysis and discernment, six key themes were identified and presented in the Working Document: “Becoming a more synodal Church in the Diocese of Parramatta”:
1. An inclusive and welcoming Church
Consider your chocolate your cotton AND Slavery
Challenging Slavery
by harrison.pocknee@catholic.org.au
Each Easter, millions of Australians will enjoy a chocolate egg or bilby, but few consider the dark reality of exploitation that lurks within its supply chains. The chocolate industry has long been tainted by reports of forced labor and slavery, particularly in West African countries such as Ghana and Ivory Coast, which produce most of the world’s cocoa.
The International Labor Organization says that an estimated 1.56 million children are involved in hazardous work in cocoa production in West Africa, with many forced to work long hours, use dangerous equipment, and endure physical and emotional abuse.
“Every person ought to have the awareness that purchasing is always a moral – and not simply an economic – act.” ( Pope Francis)
How can we support homeless people?
“To end homelessness we need a plan”.
Find out more at homelessnessaustralia.org.au and show your solidarity in ending homelessness, e.g., by attending or supporting Vinnies’ Community Sleepout supporting the Everybody’s Home campaign and signing their current petition for more social housing attending the National Homelessness Conference (8 –10 Aug in Canberra or online)
Vinnies also has some helpful information on homelessness in Australia on their website under
Sebastian Salaske-Lentern Diocesan Peace Justice and Ecology Co-ordinator.
Radical Inclusivity
On the 30th July there was Diocesan Meeting which included all the Deanery Pastoral Councils, the Diocese's Mission Enhancement Team, the Diocesan Pastoral Council and Bishop Vincent Long who was the keynote speaker. A highlight of the day came towards the end when the Diocesan Pastoral Council launched the Council's Radical Inclusivity Statement. This document, subtitled "Living the Call of the Gospel',' is firmly based on Pope Francis' exhortations to welcome our marginalised brothers and sisters into our Catholic Church community.
We are all called both within the diocese and in our local church communities to find ways of welcome and inclusion for everyone, including those who are alienated from our church family, such as those brothers and sisters in the LGBTQI+ community or those who have been divorced and remarried.
Please see the attached Radical Inclusivity Document here ------->
Blue Mountains Catholics take Action (previously Gathering of Talents) update is here
​Our Parish's Over 50s Group
OLN PARISH SENIORS' GROUP's next outing is being held on Wednesday, 20th November, when we will be enjoying a lunch/cruise up the Nepean Gorge on the Nepean Belle. This will be our last coming together as a group for this year.
Our first meeting in 2025 will be held on Wednesday, 29th January, 2025 in the Santa Maria Hall.​
If you would like to know a little more about our active group, please contact Paula Currie on 0416 185 651. Also see here for details
Catholic Mission page is updated here
Deanery News is HERE
Masses online
Apart from the Mass at OLN published on this website each week, many parishes around the Diocese are celebrating Masses online. For more information, please visit the Diocesan website www.parracatholic.org/covid19.
The Parramatta Way of safeguarding is to ...
act with justice, and state that we have a zero tolerance for any form of abuse or harm to children or any person. Act with justice and ensure that laws and obligations are upheld, and safety is paramount.
A poster detailing the rest of the Parramatta Way is here.
Refugee Support details are here
Diocesan “Laudato Si’ Action Campaign”
On Friday 22 April, the annual Earth Day, the Diocese of Parramatta responded to the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor by launching a Diocesan “Laudato Si’ Action Campaign”. Via a video message, Bishop Vincent Long OFM Conv will invite all Catholic parishes, schools, families, and organisations across the Diocese to participate. Please visit parracatholic.org/laudatosi from 22 April to download the launch video and for further information. Also see the Video here, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s3YkNMuj7_0 Please also see the Cry of the Earth, Cry of the Poor document--->
Please note most of the news is in the Bulletin available by clicking on the Bulletin link here
Older, Current News
Blue Mountains Deanery Council April Communique here
Bishop Vincent’s pastoral letter on the proposed Parental Rights Bill.
Bishop Vincent has released a pastoral letter to the pastors, parents and the faithful of the Diocese of Parramatta on the proposed Parental Rights Bill. The letter can be read here
Bishop's Good Shepherd Appeal
Please support our seminarians to answer God’s call to the Priesthood.
At our Holy Spirit Seminary, Harris Park, young men are training to become future priests for the Diocese of Parramatta. Your caring gift and prayers are needed to support our seminarians to prepare for a life of service to our community. Please give generously via the Bishop’s Good Shepherd Appeal giving envelopes or online
at yourcatholicfoundation.org.au/appeal. Thank you for your kind accompaniment.
.Pope Francis attended the Climate Conference COP28
Pope Francis has asked to sign a petition to the president of the Climate Conference. There are 7 parts to the petition.
The first 3 requests are :
He is very concerned about the state of the planet suffering from climate change.
1. Accelerate the Transition to Clean Energy and Make It Just.
2. Commit to Concrete and Binding Agreements.
3. Develop and implement a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty.
The Plight of the Afghan Refugees.
Last August Bishop Vincent urged us all to support the Afghanis in whatever way we can including asking government for an increase in our Afghani refugee intake."Catholic and other faith-based groups are joining with refugee advocates in calling on the Australian Government to respond humanely to the crisis unfolding in Afghanistan as the Taliban seizes power." Catholic Outlook magazine pub Parramatta Diocese.However, the government still needs to take significant action.
Afghani Crisis Fact Sheet is here -------------->