Support available at Our Lady of the Nativity Lawson
Following are some suggestions of people, groups and activities to provide support
1) Prayer Network. Lorraine Phillips coordinates a Prayer Network referred to as 'Prayer-Tree'.
Anyone is invited to contact her lorrainemary64@gmail.com about a situation or person for which you would like others in our community to offer prayers of support. Each request indicates what degree of anonymity is desired.
2) Stories to share. Allan Walsh seeks any 'personal or family stories' that can be shared with the parish via the website. If you have an event or story that lends itself to keeping up connections amongst each other, please contact him allan.walsh@exemail.com.au.
3) The Well, online support produced by the Parramatta Diocese is here
Need some inspiration and spiritual encouragement? Why not check out The Well? The Diocese’s ‘on demand’ streaming site has a tonne of video and prayer resources for you to explore and engage with during this difficult time.