Images to meditate upon each week
James Alison gives a peculiar perspective on today’s Gospel when he argues,
“It is the forgiving victim, Jesus, who enables our memories to be healed. That is, the forgiveness of sins and the healing of memories is the same thing: what unbinds our past is what opens up our future.
I think that this is what Jesus means when he says that he came so that we might have life and have it abundantly (John 10:10). It is the same thing as when he refers to 'eternal' life, life without end.”
I find images help to bring an additional perspective to the words of the Gospel. I found this image in my usual way; I searched on the internet using the Gospel of the week, (in this case, Easter 4, John 10:1-11) looking for images that fitted the Gospel.
I chose this image because of the insight it gave me- the lamb has a safe, sure, comfortable, comforted, almost cheeky look.
The image is from http://www.catholictradition.org/Christ/protestation.htm
As if the lamb is aware of the Taizé chant,
“Nothing can trouble, nothing can frighten,
those who seek God shall never go wanting,
Nothing can trouble, nothing can frighten,
God alone fills us”