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Advent Faith Development

Len Blahut and Terry O'Donnell are each offering interesting and exciting ways of developing one's relationship with God through study and meditation. 

Len introduces the Advent Faith Development in the following video

Advent Faith Development Video


Terry O'Donnell will be leading  a series of four, small group meetings that explore the prayerful reading of Advent Scripture readings, in the style of Lectio Divinaa reflective, prayerful, meditative approach to the Bible.  They will be on the 4 Saturdays of Advent, 3pm the Santa Maria Hall.  Details are here.

Len Blahut is organising AT-HOME retreats, via weekly exercises, for those who are not able or not comfortable to attend a venue. They offer the opportunity to share the exercises with others in a group, or one-on-one, via the internet or elsewhere.

Details are here

The Advent Faith Development program is summarised in this document ---->

St Vincent de Paul
Lawson Conference
2nd Tuesday of the Month at 2pm
Parish Meeting Room

Theresa Burgheim 

Suspended due to COVID-19

Christian Meditation
Wednesdays 5 - 6 pm
Santa Maria Outside Chapel

Terry O'Donnell

Suspended due to COVD-19

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